

Dark Humor Tips

Socializing Tips

The Basics

● Without spirit’s intervention, mind is simply a predestinarian product of brain.

● One can do much better without a bunch of baloney which most people call values.

● Sometimes it only takes a sentence to say metaphorically what would take pages to explain, to no avail.

● If one becomes aware of the power inside, one would be totally independent of the outside, besides nachos, of course.

● Sacrifice is nothing more than a manipulation. Everybody’s inevitably busy serving self-interest somewhere. Whether it’s material interest, spiritual interest or merely a clear conscience.

● Sometimes losing an old friend can be more fruitful than finding a new one.

● A moron is someone who keeps making the same mistake.

Why are some people terrible dancers? Because instead of focusing on the groove, they focus on their dancing. Let it flow.

Why organized religions suck? Because they are organized.

Why democracy often fails? Because what most people believe is often worse.

How to deal with a dilemma? Assessing the dilemma to see if there are any other options. Assessing the options to see if any of them is a bit more favorable than the others. If not, flipping a coin.

● The Law of Distraction: One must be full of emptiness to endlessly attract objects and characters, to suck them all up like an egoistic vacuum.

● The last thing I need is to be an astronaut – if I make it to the closest supermarket, I’ve done a great job – I’ve never felt the need to go that far.

● Intuitive ideas need time to settle, before applying them to the main system. Unless it’s a haiku, which is best fresh out of the lab.

● Until the scientists are able to prove free will scientifically, I’ll take their determined grandiose with a big pinch of salt.

● Every time they say God is an imagination of human brain, I immediately get this feeling in my gut that it must be the opposite.

● God dances in the details whilst evil lurks in them.

● A good illusionist will help you to become aware of your illusions, through illumination.

Dark Humor Tips

● Dark humor is not for oral consumption, but rectal administration.

● It’s sore, but it’s kind of euphoric.

● Not suitable for children under 40 years of age.

● Out of context abuse, is highly illegal.

● If you don’t know the ABC of morality,
don’t worry about the XYZ.

● If opium makes you high enough, don’t bother with heroin.

Socializing Tips

● To fit into society, you need at least a big dash of facade!

● Don’t keep lurking if it hurts, ’cause that’s the whole point.

● If they tried to be indirect, rub it in their faces.

● Never let a boring can of clichés full of preservatives call you abnormal.

● Give them more than their capacities and they will wet their nappies. Your job is not to change their nappies; your job was to expand their capacities.

● If they have big mouths, feel free to use their mouths as sewers. Don’t worry, it will end up where it belongs while they proudly enjoy serving society as sewerage.

● Humble with humble and fuck anyone who suffers from unconcious grandiose up the ass.

● No need to be jealous, when you are the best in your own shoes.

● If a relationship didn’t work out, there is nothing to regret – as long as you have done your best, which is probably what you have already done. Don’t carry this nostalgic burden and malicious fantasy with you wherever you go. Move on!

● Which insecurity or greed makes you think you might need a voice other than the voice whispering within your depths?

● Generally speaking, avoid socializing and bullshitting as much as possible. Such a waste of time and energy.